
1. Back Squat Warm Up 5 x 40% 5 x 50% 3 x 50% Work Sets 5 x 55% 5 x 65% AMAP x 75% Use AMAP #s to calculate new 1RM 2. Dips 5-5-5-5-5 3. Good Morning (Safety Bar) 5-5-5-5-5


1. Push Press Warm Up 5 x 40% 5 x 50% 3 x 50% Work Sets 5 x 55% 5 x 65% AMAP x 75% Use AMAP #s to calculate new 1RM 2. Dumbbell Lateral Raises 10-10-10 Side 10-10-10 Front 3. Push Ups 5-5-5-5-5 4. Hanging Knee Raises* 10-10-10-10-10

Assistance or Accessory Work

I’ll use the term assistance work mostly here, but (on this site) I’m using it synonymous with accessory and supplemental movements used in a given workout. I also use it because it’s the way Wendler describes it and i’ll stay consistent with that since this program is built on his writings. The purpose of assistance […]


Back Squat Warm Up 5 x 40% 5 x 50% 3 x 50% Work Sets 5 x 55% 5 x 65% AMAP x 75% Use AMAP #s to calculate new 1RM 1RM= wt * reps * 0.0333 + wt 2. DB Alternating Rear Lunges 10-10-10-10-10 DB hang to your side, step backwards 3. Dips 5-5-5-5-5 […]

Skills List

CrossFit.com provides a great list of all the movements one should be familiar with. It can be found here:


Here are a list of gymnastic movements that are always good to practice. All of these can be modified for skill and/or fitness level. (Google It)

Lifting Template

Week 1

Warm Up

5 x 40%

5 x 50%

3 x 50%

Work Sets

5 x 55%

5 x 65%

AMAP x 75%