This is a very simple program designed to get maximum results. It’s a hybrid of several popular lifting programs (Wendler, Cube, Etc.) and has been tested with hundreds of clients over 10 years.  If you follow it, it works, you get stronger, period.

This is not a competitive powerlifting program, although it can easily be modified to make one. Many people have used this program, or similar ones, to compete for many years.  This program has you working at sub-maximal weight percentages so recovery time is much better, but still allowing for strength growth. This is a great strength program for the average jane/joe or a person competing in a non-lifting sport to use as a supplement to other training.

If done correctly, then you can do this program year round without over training.

You will rotate among three basic lifts each week:



Push Press

You will do three warm up sets and three work sets…done. Click here to see the lifting template.

*If you want to add Bench Press, then you can add a fourth day to the rotation.